While neither HTML or CSS is more complex than the other in terms of syntax, a major difference is that HTML can contain CSS within its code and files, but CSS cannot contain HTML. Both HTML and CSS are mutually containing, however, meaning CSS and HTML share tag names with each other. Before CSS, nearly all presentational attributes of HTML documents were contained within the HTML markup. All font colors, background styles, what is css element alignments, borders, and sizes had to be explicitly described, often repeatedly, within the HTML. CSS lets authors move much of that information to another file, the style sheet, resulting in considerably simpler HTML. CSS (cascading style sheets) works in conjunction with HTML and is directly responsible for dictating color, background, text color, font, positioning and additional features to the web browser.

CSS was developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) in 1996 for a rather simple reason. HTML element was not designed to have tags that would help format the page. You were only supposed to write the markup for the web page. There is no single, integrated CSS4 specification,[52] because the specification has been split into many separate modules which level independently. Classes and IDs are case-sensitive, start with letters, and can include alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. A class may apply to any number of instances of any element.

Importing CSS to HTML

The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons. The style definitions are normally saved in external .css files. CSS facilitates the publication of content in multiple presentation formats based on nominal parameters.

Development of large
websites, where fonts and color information were added to every single
page, became a long and expensive process. Every web page is affected by at least one style sheet, even if the web designer doesn’t apply any styles. This style sheet is the user agent style sheet — also known as the default styles that the web browser will use to display a page if no other instructions are provided. For example, by default hyperlinks are styled in blue and they are underlined. Those styles come from a web browser’s default style sheet.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Syntax

CSS properties have different allowable values, depending on which property is being specified. In our example, we have the color property, which can take various color values. In the Introduction to HTML module, we covered what HTML is and how it is used to mark up documents. Headings will look larger than regular text, paragraphs break onto a new line and have space between them. Links are colored and underlined to distinguish them from the rest of the text.

css what is it

And not only that, it makes developers’ life a whole lot easier when it comes to formatting. Mastering CSS is a vital part of becoming a valuable asset and a solid programmer. To get into the chatbot development, you’ll need to have a good command of these programming languages. If you’re interested in website design or looking to transition into a career as a front-end engineer, you may want to go a little more in-depth with your learning. For example, the front-end engineer career path includes an introduction to CSS and a separate course on transitions and animations using CSS. We’d recommend you learn HTML first and then check out a course on learning CSS.