Journey to Azuri
Creator & Founder

My Azuri Skincare story begins with my childhood in India. My mother was a doctor, my father was a health aficionado, and both valued natural cures and ingredients, yoga, and a connection to the source of everything we consumed. I largely lost this connection until, in 2008, I started to experience intense neurological pains. It quickly spread all over my body and was extremely painful. Modern medicine was not helpful and it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a Polish microbiologist and herbalist as well as a raw food retreat Hippocrates Health Institute that I experienced relief. I learned firsthand just how powerfully healing herbal medicine and a natural lifestyle could be. I reconnected with my family values and re-learned how to incorporate fresh, natural, and holistic healing into my everyday life. It’s been 9 years and I continue to feel good, healthy, and strong with this natural regimen.
Around the same time, I began to experience intense hormonal breakouts. Once again, modern ointments and medication did not seem to work for me. I started looking for natural skincare that could give my skin the same relief that natural medicine gave my body. During this exploration, the opportunity to learn about and make natural skincare presented itself and I was instantly hooked. I fell in love with using ancient botanicals from India’s Ayurveda and South Africa’s natural bounty to build an eco-luxury skincare line. Not only are the natural ingredients I use powerful, but they are also sustainable. I want to share what I have learned with the world and so I have built a lab here in California to began formulating natural and sustainable skincare in small batches through my company, Azuri Skincare.
I truly believe in the power of nature for healing all parts of our body. I am excited to share what I have discovered through Azuri Skincare and invite you to join me on this journey towards natural wellness.

My Azuri Skincare story begins with my childhood in India. My mother was a doctor, my father was a health aficionado, and both valued natural cures and ingredients, yoga, and a connection to the source of everything we consumed. I largely lost this connection until, in 2008, I started to experience intense neurological pains. It quickly spread all over my body and was extremely painful. Modern medicine was not helpful and it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a Polish microbiologist and herbalist as well as a raw food retreat Hippocrates Health Institute that I experienced relief. I learned firsthand just how powerfully healing herbal medicine and a natural lifestyle could be. I reconnected with my family values and re-learned how to incorporate fresh, natural, and holistic healing into my everyday life. It’s been 9 years and I continue to feel good, healthy, and strong with this natural regimen.
Around the same time, I began to experience intense hormonal breakouts. Once again, modern ointments and medication did not seem to work for me. I started looking for natural skincare that could give my skin the same relief that natural medicine gave my body. During this exploration, the opportunity to learn about and make natural skincare presented itself and I was instantly hooked. I fell in love with using ancient botanicals from India’s Ayurveda and South Africa’s natural bounty to build an eco-luxury skincare line. Not only are the natural ingredients I use powerful, but they are also sustainable. I want to share what I have learned with the world and so I have built a lab here in California to began formulating natural and sustainable skincare in small batches through my company, Azuri Skincare.
I truly believe in the power of nature for healing all parts of our body. I am excited to share what I have discovered through Azuri Skincare and invite you to join me on this journey towards natural wellness.